


iHeartRadio app on Samsung Family Hub smart refrigerator

Samsung Family Hub features a touch-enabled screen that resides on the door of a Samsung refrigerator, creating a focal point for families to share notes and photos, coordinate calendars, and now - listen to their favorite music via iHeartRadio. Through this integration, families can enjoy live radio stations, personalized custom stations, and other great iHeartRadio content through the iHeartRadio application.


  1. Partner with Samsung on their initial launch of this smart refrigerator.

  2. Extend iHeartRadio’s connected home reach.


  1. Showcase local live radio stations.

  2. Provide the ability to view media player at the same time as user discovering content.

User Experience


User Tasks

  1. Able to browse through local and recommended stations.

  2. Play stations as a widget.

  3. Able to expand widget into a full screen media player.

Full Screen

User Tasks

  1. Able to browse through local and recommended stations.

  2. Able to view and control media player at the same time discover content.

iHeartRadio app on Samsung Family Hub was launched at the 2017 CES.
